ERP integration

Automatic integration with ERP

SoWeSign has predefined business connector models for ERP integration with most market players!

Automate IT exchanges between your ERP and SoWeSign with integration. First and foremost, make your IT staff's work easier, and greatly reduce the number of manual operations that can lead to errors or omissions. SoWeSign has developed a large number of connectors for ERP integration. 

Standard integration APIs 

First and foremost, our standard SoWeSign APIs are fully documented and provided free of charge to our customers and ISV partners. Integration takes just a few days, so don't wait any longer - contact us to discuss your requirements.

Reminder: SoWeSign stores all submitted and generated files for a period of 10 years in an FNTC electronic safe, in order to meet regulatory requirements on the preservation of digital originals.

Attendance planning via Excel or Google Sheets

Attendance planning via Excel or Google Sheets

In the context of vocational training, the attendance sheet is mandatory to prove training attendance. In addition to attendance information such as the date and time of signature and the signature itself, this attendance certificate must include a certain amount of information concerning the learners, the trainers and the training course.

SoWeSign provides you with Excel and Google Sheets files for easy data integration.

In order to automate as many processes as possible when planning training courses, SoWeSign offers you Excel and Google Sheets tables that will enable you to fill in your repository quickly and easily. 

These files can be filled in as you go along, using information linked to your organization. The Google Sheets files are separated into 2 distinct models: 

The "promotion" Google Sheets: this allows you to integrate your training courses in sessions of several sessions. This import model is intended for corporate use and short training courses, with short sessions of just a few sessions.

Google Sheets "session": allows you to import your training courses in sessions of several sessions. This import model is designed for corporate use and short training courses, with short sessions of a few sessions.

These simplified file templates require a Google account, enabling data to be integrated directly from the Google suite into SoWeSign. If you are unable to obtain a Google login, we will then provide you with an Excel data import file and the training you need to use it. 

import des donnees dans SoWeSign

Scheduling registration without ERP

To check training attendance, it is first necessary to enter the training organization's data. This data is used to plan attendance and must be completed in the SoWeSign repository.

Why do I have to register?

Professional training courses are financed by organizations that reimburse the cost of the course if it leads to a qualification, but also if it actually takes place.

To find out whether a training course has actually been delivered, funding bodies ask for certificates of completion. They can also carry out spot checks to ensure that learners are present during training. To ensure this, the inspection body may ask for any evidence of the learner's attendance, such as digital attendance sheets.

Attendance certificate

For these proofs to be admissible, learners (students, trainees, employees, etc.) must be identifiable. Trainers or training providers must also be able to be identified within the framework of digital attendance records. They are the guarantors of student attendance.

The advantages of scheduling your enrolments!

Time saving

in everyday tasks

Better organization

of training courses

Improved training


Simplified presence checks

during training sessions

They trust us

SoWeSign has brought significant efficiency and valuable automation to our training management, while providing outstanding support throughout the process.
STEF logo
Training Manager at the STEF Spain group
We received excellent support from our project contacts, who were able to answer our questions and guide us on best practices to follow.
Vinci Energies Academy in France
Project manager and quality responsible at Academy VINCI Energies in France
Allianz: digitization of regulatory training through innovative API integration.
SoWeSign is intuitive, efficient, reliable and highly productive.
CEO, Lingua Institut
Support of very high quality, with a keen attentiveness to our requests for implementing the software and adapting it to our needs.