Creating template documents

Creating template documents

Training agreements and other contracts currently come from CRM, ERP, other document generators, Word, and so on. These systems allow you to create template documents that incorporate variables. These documents are sent to each recipient according to their specific requirements and criteria. When a template document is created, it is associated with a database that automatically fills in the variable fields. It can also be manually modified using word processing software and exported in PDF format.

The PDF signing process without dedicated software :

  • Opening the e-mail service
  • Add PDF as e-mail attachment
  • Opening by each signatory
  • Download PDF
  • Print PDF
  • Hand-sign PDF
  • Scan PDF
  • Send signed and scanned version of PDF by e-mail
  • Print or add online to learner file

In the end, you receive either several identical contracts with one signature per copy, or a single contract that has been printed, signed, scanned, returned, reprinted, re-signed, re-scanned, etc., and has lost all its probative value.

It is also possible to:

  • inject this document into a signature platform
  • Inject trainee information into this platform
  • Automate document dispatch
  • Retrieve signed documents in a single copy with probative value.

Not always a practical solution when you have a lot of entries... This solution requires a rather heavy API in terms of programming, development time and price.

Creating a WorkFlow

Creating a WorkFlow

Once the document has been injected, SoWeSign analyzes the tags present on the document, launches the workflow and then sends an e-mail to each signatory.

If the e-mail remains unanswered for one or more signatories, you can set the number of reminders e-mails to be sent, the number of days between each reminder, the number of days before the first reminder e-mail, and the maximum time before abandonment.

You will be notified each time a new event occurs for the document. This information is sent to someone to follow up the contract, or to an ERP or CRM system capable of retrieving the information.

You can delegate document acceptance. In the e-mail, you'll have 2 options: "sign here" and "delegate signature of this document". This option displays the PDF to check the document to be delegated before validation. The interface then reminds you of the identity of the current signatory, and you enter the identity and contact details of the new signatory. Once the entry has been validated, the workflow is modified, and the previous signatory is replaced by the new one.

The different stages of an online signature workflow :

An e-mail is sent to signatories stating "please sign the attached document..." with a dedicated link.
The link takes them back to the document, where they tick the acceptance boxes (for the general terms and conditions, to validate an amount if there is one, to authorize the sending of advertising to their e-mail address, etc.). Some conditions are mandatory, others not. Once these conditions have been validated, the signature pad appears.
The signature pad is used to sign the contract.
If a signature is refused, the signatory must indicate the reason for refusal, and the workflow is cancelled for all signatories.
Once the document has been signed, the signature tag traces the "signature square", indicating the identity of the signatory and the image of his signature.
The audit trail is then generated, listing all the time-stamped steps in the workflow. On the last page of this audit trail, you'll find the trusted third party's certification, a QR code and a URL for document verification.
All these documents are electronically signed with a PDF server stamp guaranteeing the integrity and origin of the document. The parallel file certifying the time-stamping and reliability of the elements is hashed and deposited in the safe on a daily basis. The certificate of deposit in the OFFSAD safe and the PDF constitute irrevocable proof of signature with probative value of the document.
For the manager :

A dedicated menu in the SoWeSign manager lets you manage the online signing of documents. It displays all workflows and their status, as well as the status of the PDF: if it has 2 out of 3 signatures, then both signatures can be seen on the document. You can also manually restart contract signature requests by e-mail.

Online document storage

Online document storage

All the documents generated are added to the EDM with probative value adapted to learners, trainers, sessions and administration: application files, quotes, purchase orders, contracts, certificates, agreements, invoices, and so on. Some of these are subject to workflow, while others are just deposited.

Agreements and contracts can be audited by funding bodies (OPCO, companies, regions, etc.), checked by legal control bodies (DIRRECTE, tax authorities, etc.), consulted by signatories, etc. QR codes based on the 2D doc principle display the document for online control. A "proof" page, similar to the current "audit" page, enables the person requesting access to be identified (strictly reserved for those with access rights to the document) and the document and proof certificate to be e-mailed to him or her.

The document and its proof can then be consulted online and stored for 10 years.

Allianz: digitization of regulatory training through innovative API integration.
Support of very high quality, with a keen attentiveness to our requests for implementing the software and adapting it to our needs.
SoWeSign has brought significant efficiency and valuable automation to our training management, while providing outstanding support throughout the process.
STEF logo
Training Manager at the STEF Spain group
We received excellent support from our project contacts, who were able to answer our questions and guide us on best practices to follow.
Vinci Energies Academy in France
Project manager and quality responsible at Academy VINCI Energies in France