The roll-out of the solution
all training organizations

The Ile-de-France region's electronic voting system

Project background

The Region faces 5 major challenges for this project:

Dematerialize paper attendance sheets, regardless of medium (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.)
Generate attendance sheets that automatically comply with the requirements of administrative authorities (RGS*)
Simplify and automate sign-in control
Reduce the administrative burden of trainee follow-up by training organizations and regional agents alike
Increase the reliability of trainee hours to prevent fraudulent enrolments :

  1.  As part of this project, SoWeSign (formerly JeSuisEnCours) is responsible for :
  2. dematerialized enrolment
  3. Tracking of trainer attendance hours
  4. Automatic calculation of trainee attendance hours at training centers and on the job
  5. Management of trainee and trainer absences and related supporting documents
  6. Administrative tracking of training participant profiles
  7. Storage of supporting documents in the event of an audit
  8. Interfacing with the various planning management tools used by training organizations
  9. Hosting in Saas mode