The Region faces 5 major challenges for this project:
Dematerialize paper attendance sheets, regardless of medium (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.)
Generate attendance sheets that automatically comply with the requirements of administrative authorities (RGS*)
Simplify and automate sign-in control
Reduce the administrative burden of trainee follow-up by training organizations and regional agents alike
Increase the reliability of trainee hours to prevent fraudulent enrolments :
- As part of this project, SoWeSign (formerly JeSuisEnCours) is responsible for :
- dematerialized enrolment
- Tracking of trainer attendance hours
- Automatic calculation of trainee attendance hours at training centers and on the job
- Management of trainee and trainer absences and related supporting documents
- Administrative tracking of training participant profiles
- Storage of supporting documents in the event of an audit
- Interfacing with the various planning management tools used by training organizations
- Hosting in Saas mode