
The problem of paper signatures

The Ile de France region takes its turn in dematerializing its attendance lists! The administrative burdens associated with paper-based enrolment: time-consuming data entry, redundant work, complicated return of enrolments to companies, complexity of checking scanned attendance sheets, lack of human resources for checking, ESF obligation to dematerialize enrolment sheets, etc., have prompted the Ile de France region to launch a digital enrolment project.


The challenges of digital voting for the Ile-de-France region

The Region faces 5 major challenges for this project:

The Region faces 5 major challenges for this project:

  1. Dematerialize paper attendance sheets, regardless of medium (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.)
  2. Generate attendance sheets that automatically comply with the requirements of administrative authorities (RGS*)
  3. Simplify and automate sign-in control
  4. Reduce the administrative burden of trainee follow-up by training organizations and regional agents alike
  5. Increase the reliability of trainee hours to prevent fraudulent enrolments

Project benefits and gains

  • Région

    Reliable automated calculation of hours worked by trainees and trainers.

  • Région

    Fast, secure data transfer between OFs and the Region

  • Région

    Storage of proof of attendance for inspections

  • Région

    Real-time visibility of training courses financed by the Region and the ESF

  • Région

    Possibility of subscribing to digital registration for training courses outside the region (OPCO, Pôle emploi...)

  • Région

    No more double entry for training organizations.

  • Région

    Developing interfaces between regional tools and SoWeSign

  • Région

    Safety audits

  • Région

    Pilot phases

  • Région

    SoWeSign supports pilot OFs

  • Région

    Deployment of the solution to all OFs co-financed by the Region