
The problem of paper signatures

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region has decided to launch a project to dematerialize trainee enrolments. This initiative will facilitate the monitoring of training courses and trainees financed by the Region. Using the SoWeSign digital enrolment solution will reduce the administrative burden associated with paper enrolment.

The pilot phase, which will begin in September 2023, will enable volunteer training organizations to test the full-scale solution before it is rolled out to all training organizations funded by the Region from January 2024. The SoWeSign solution is made available free of charge by the Region for all training courses and trainees funded by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region. This initiative represents a major step forward in the modernization of administrative practices, and will help optimize human and material resources for all concerned.

The challenges of digital voting for the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region

The challenges of digital voting for the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region has launched an ambitious project for the dematerialization of enrolments to simplify administrative procedures and reduce the workload involved in checking enrolment forms. SoWeSign, the tool chosen for this project, will enable dematerialized enrolment, tracking of trainer and trainee attendance hours, absence management, and storage of supporting documents.

This project meets a number of objectives and challenges, notably data security, process transformation and the complete dematerialization of the enrolment chain. The Region faces a number of challenges in this project, such as ensuring the reliability of trainee hours reported, to prevent fraudulent enrolments, and reducing the administrative workload involved in trainee follow-up by both training organizations and Regional staff.

The advantages and gains of the project are numerous, notably the reliable automated calculation of hours completed and real-time visibility for training courses financed by the Region and the ESF. This project represents a major step forward in simplifying administrative procedures and modernizing training processes.

Project benefits and gains

  • Reliable automated calculation of hours worked by trainees and trainers.

  • Fast, secure data transfer between OFs and the Region

  • Storage of proof of attendance for inspections

  • Real-time visibility of training courses financed by the Region and the ESF

  • Possibility of subscribing to digital registration for training courses outside the region (OPCO, Pôle emploi...)

  • No more double entry for training organizations.

  • Developing interfaces between regional tools and SoWeSign

  • Safety audits

  • Pilot phases

  • SoWeSign supports pilot OFs

  • Deployment of the solution to all OFs co-financed by the Region